I don't want to write this to complain, but because I know someday it will probably be really funny.

This is just a little bit of evidence of something that went completely wrong today.
I woke up at 6:25 to feed Parker, then just stayed up because he had a doctor's appointment at 7:50am! When I called to schedule his appointment 2 weeks ago they said they bad one on the 27th at 7:50, or on July 12th! Great times, things will be crazy after Idaho, so I opted for the 7:50 appointment.
I fed Parker, then put him back in his bed because he will usually go back to sleep. All the other kiddos were still sleeping. So I jumped into the shower hoping Parker wouldn't fall out of his crib. It is still in its highest setting and he has learned to sit up and sometime he will pull himself up on things. I jumped out and threw my clothes on and ran in there. He was awake and playing, but hadn't tried pulling himself up to standing. I went to wake Broden up and he had wet the bed. Just in the time I was taking a shower!
I picked out his clothes and fixed him breakfast. Then I threw in some toast for the girls and woke them up. Of course somebody didn't want what I fixed. So I got Remi cereal and Alissa toast with honey and bananas. Then we quickly got everyone dressed and in the car and to the doctor. We got there at 7:53, which is a huge accomplishment! Parker checked and healthy. Doctor listened to Alissa's breathing and confirmed that she probably has some kind of allergies. She has has a nasty cough for like 3 weeks, with no fevers, no change in appetite or urination and no drainage. None of us has gotten it either, so I figured it wasn't anything contagious, but wanted to be sure.
From the doctor we walked down the hall to the shot room and Parker got his 2 shots. Poor boy! Then we went upstairs to Blake's office to get the peanut butter he had left at work. I didn't want to buy more, because we would just have to throw it away. We grabbed that and of course the kids wanted to see dad, who is in the middle of seeing patients. We said a quick hi then went to the car and came home.
After getting swimming suits, goggles and towels and watching an episode of Dragon Tales(their new favorite) we were out the door for swimming lessons. Today was a nice sunny day. A little windy, but a great day to swim compared to last weeks over cast 64 degree weather. Remi went right in with her class and Broden refused to get in. So I put him in the water. He screamed and cried and his teacher pretty much ignored him. He did say I can just take him in the water but I'm worried it might bother you. Of course it won't bother me. (I didn't pay for swimming lessons for Broden to cry on the side). So he held Broden for about 2 seconds, then ignored him some more. So I sat on the edge holding Broden's hands so he couldn't just climb out. He would put his feet on the edge and brace himself and try to pull me it, so I let go of him and he fell backwards into the water and choked a little bit. I'm sure all the parents are sitting there wondering what in the world I am doing and why Broden is screaming at the top of his lungs. Or maybe they are just used to it because he did the same thing every day last week.
So after fighting him for a couple minutes and him standing just out of my reach and splashing me over and over again I hauled him and Alissa and Parker back to the car and told him he had to stay there while I watched Remi swim. He proceeded to tell me that if I left him alone the police would come take me to jail because parents can't leave their kids alone. Where in the world did he hear that? So I left him for a few minutes to stand by the fence and watch Remi. Then I just moved the car by the fence so I wouldn't be arrested:)
After swimming lessons we came home and I let Remi and Alissa play while I finished the korker ribbons I was making for bows. Then I cooked lunch and we all got ready to head to some government office to get fingerprints for visas. I turned off the oven and just left the ribbons in to cook a little more while the oven cooled.
When we got off the exit to go to the visa office I realized it was by the airport. Everything around there is flooding and the college world series is there too. Great, floods and expensive parking with 4 kids. Luckily none of the roads were closed. We pulled right into the parking lot and the parking was free. They had a huge cement wall, like 8x6x6 built around the whole building and sand bags stacked right against the building to be prepared for the flooding. There was a huge ramp that went over the wall and then you had to walk around to the door that didn't have sand bags blocking it. We finally got there and started walking in and there was a sign on the door that said no cell phones or cameras. REALLY?!?! I walked in and asked the security guards if I really had to take it back to the car and of course they treated my like I am a complete idiot for not knowing that before hand. So I took all the kids back out across the ramp and ran my phone to the car. Then we went back inside, emptied our pockets and went through the metal detectors. I headed to the desk I thought I was supposed to be at because there sign had the same initials as my paper. I wanted for 5 minutes and no one came. Then I went into another room and waited at that desk for like 5 minutes and finally someone came and looked at my paper. Oh that's the wrong paper she said. The paper was my appointment confirmation and said print this off and take it to your appointment. But apparently I needed something else, and I also realized as I was talking to her I probably needed our passports. She confirmed that I did, but I could just come back in without an appointment.
So I hauled the kids back to the car AGAIN and we drove home. I ran inside and grabbed the visa packet Blake had all put together for me which had EXACTLY what I needed and I headed out again. If only I would have grabbed that in the first place. We got back to the building and headed back over the ramp and through security and they got us right in. They took my finger prints and Remi's. It took about 5 minutes and we were done.
When we got home things were going much better. Remi and Broden both took a little nap on the way home. I fed Parker and put him down for a nap and started working on making car seats more comfortable for a 14 hour drive. When I got that all done and the car arranged with vinyl and towels under the carseats I started dinner. Spaghetti and garlic bread is simple enough right? I got the noodles cooking and turned the oven to broil to warm up while fed Parker. I was sitting feeding him and started smelling something. My first thought, I should clean the oven, it smells like there is something in there. OOHHH NOOOO!!! There is. The ribbon I was doing earlier. I pretty much dropped Parker and ran to take the ribbon out before it started a fire and just barely made it. I think with 5 more seconds it would have been on fire. These are the pictures at the begging of the blog. We opened all the windows and turned on the fans and aired out the house and ate dinner.
Now Remi and Broden are in bed and Parker is being fussy and Alissa is ready for bed. So I think I'll take care of them. Hopefully I won't have any more bad days this week. I think what makes bad days the worst is when the bad things are my own fault. It makes me so frustrated with myself. At least we are all safe though.