A couple weekends ago we got to go camping!!! We found a place about an hour away by a little town called Wahoo. I usually forget and call it Yahoo. We left as soon as we could get packed after Blake's work picnic. We drove out and stopped at a gas station for wood. They sent us to a guy's house a little down the road. We asked him if we could buy some wood and he just gave us some. The town with the gas station was so cute. I Think it was called Prague. It was just a little town in the middle of nowhere. I loved it though. All the yards were well kept, there weren't junk cars all over and I just thought it was perfect. When we got to the campsite we started our coals and set up camp. Then we cooked our tin foil dinners and ate them. After dinner we headed down the trail to the lake to fish. Blake took us off the trail to the lake and we got ATTACKED by mosquitos. We turned and ran as fast as we could with 4 kids, 4 fishing poles and a tackle box. We found a safer place to fish and fished until dark. The kids got to use their glow in the dark bobbers from Santa and loved them.

We headed back to camp and started the dutch oven peach cobbler. While that cooked we sat around the campfire and had smores and just enjoyed being together. The kids were so happy and fun to be with. The peach cobbler finally got done around midnight. We ate it and Remi and Alissa went right to bed. Parker was already sleeping. Broden stayed up until 1 with Blake and I just enjoying the peace.
When we went to bed a storm came through. We had our weather alarm, but I had taken the batteries out, so I wasn't sure it was working right. There was a sever thunder storm watch, so there was tons of lightning we could see out across the sky. There wasn't very much thunder though. At about 3:00am the wind woke Blake and I up. It was blowing so hard I thought our tent was going to collapse. Blake had to hold the tent up by where Broden was laying so it didn't smash him. It only lasted like 15 minutes, then we went back to sleep.

The next morning we slept in until about 9:00am! Our tent was in the shade, so we didn't get so hot we couldn't sleep. We had donut holes, muffins and sunny D for breakfast. Then we packed some snacks and drove to the other side of the lake. We tried finding a good fishing spot on that lake, but there was moss all the way around. So we drove to one of Blake's hunting areas. It has a lake on it. When we got there there were some men just leaving. They told us what they used to fish and gave Blake like $30 dollars worth of lures to fish with. After they left we didn't see another person until we returned to the campground.

We spent the next 5 hours fishing, playing in the mud, watching birds, shooting the gun, taking pictures, eating snacks and just relaxing. The lake was in the middle of a field and had plenty of fish in it. The kids caught lots of bluegill. We were so relaxed the whole time. We didn't even have a watch to know what time it was and it was so nice to not have to be anywhere or be around anyone but our family.

Alissa was so funny. Blake told Remi and Broden they could shoot the gun. He said get your shoes on and find a water bottle and we can shoot it. So they did and started walking up the hill with Blake to shoot their water bottles. Alissa wanted to go too, so I told her to get her shoes. She put on her shoes and grabbed her water bottle full of sunny-D and headed up the hill. She ONLY had on her shoes. Other than that she was completely naked. I guess she followed my instructions, I never said put on clothes, only shoes.
After hanging out at the lake we headed back to camp and relaxed for a while, having water fights and taking naps. Then we packed up our stuff and headed home. It was such a fun, relaxing camping trip. I love spending time in nature away from people and just relaxing. It was the perfect break from the craziness of preparing to move!
CUTE pictures! You guys have the cutest little family.
that was me:)not Brandon, but I am sure he feels the same :)
Sounds like a fun and normal Jones camping trip. Makes me miss my childhood and all of the camping trips I got to share with the Jones family. Hikes were so much better with KC giving us Starburst for each plant and animal we named. I'm so glad that you and Blake are passing the love of nature on to your kiddos!
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