She has done so well in school this year. Her teacher always talks about how well behaved she is. Her report cards are always good too. She is always at the level she is supposed to be for kindergarten. Remi loved her teacher Mrs. Sindelar. She learned so much from her and always looked forward to going to school. She will miss her school here and especially her teacher!
For the summer we wanted Remi to continue working on reading. Blake told her on Memorial Day that she would have things she needed to do every day before she could go play. Tuesday morning I woke up and Remi was sitting at the table making flash cards of the sight words of the first book she wanted to read. I told her I was going to be in the garage painting and to come get me if she needed something. When I went back inside she had gotten Alissa, and Broden breakfast and had gotten Parker out of his crib, changed his diaper and put him in his bumbo(I don't want to know how she got him out of the crib. He didn't cry though). I was shocked! Then when she asked if she could go play I told her she needed to get dressed and clean her room. She got dressed, got Alissa and Broden dressed, cleaned her room, did her hair and did Alissa's hair. She was amazing. This is how she has been all week. I am loving summer so far.

Remi has officially learned to read her first book without ANY help. This was her goal. Every time she learns to read a book she gets a prize. The prize she wants ever time is a miniature hand sanitizer from Bed Bath and Beyond. Her best friend had one on her backpack and Remi has been asking for one for about 3 months! The first book she learned to read was "Big Pig on a Dig". Next she wants to read "Go Dog Go".
I love having my helper home again and we have had so much fun together.
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