Monday, April 26, 2010

Time for #4

(not my ultrasound just one from the internet)
So this is an announcement for those of you who don't know. We are going to have baby number 4!!! I am 9 and a half weeks along and according to the doctor everything is going great. The official due date is Thanksgiving day.

Yes we will have 4 kids 5 and under and we are excited. This was planned. We will be settled in Omaha when this baby is born and we enjoy how close together our other three are. They have so much fun playing together and entertaining each other. Remi and Broden have been really good. When I am tired I will lay down and take a nap while Alissa sleeps. Remi and Broden just play or watch a movie and are perfectly happy.

Things are getting a little crazy as we prepare for the move and I try to motivate myself to function. I just feel so lazy and have to force myself to eat. Nothing sounds good. If anyone has suggestions of what sounded good to them while they were pregnant I would love to hear them. Maybe something will sound good to me. Thank goodness for an amazing husband who is willing to help cook, clean, pack, organize, and everything else we are doing right now.


Stan and Kristi said...

I wish we could be there to help you! So I think it's cool that Remi will be 5 years and 7 months when the new baby comes. Grant was 5 years and 8 months when our 4th baby was born. It's a lot of work, as you well know, but they do have so much fun together! We're so happy for you!

Tera said...

YAHOO!! You won't regret having children close together. We did the same thing! You'll love it! As my kids get older I LOVE how wonderful they are with each other, but also how much fun we all have together.
As far as sickness and eating goes keep some grapes on hand. They saved me. I also tired to have lunch meat and cheese and crackers. Good luck I can sympathize! Keep us posted!

Jones Family said...

Again....i am very excited! Wish i was there to help

Bethany said...

Yahoo! Congrats. I think you guys are wild and crazy with your family planning, but everyone thinks I am too! You guys make it work so well! You have adorable kids too! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! It might sound crazy, BUT- I am so jealous! Brandon is making me wait to get prego till end of summer. So we will be right behind you!

Ashlee and Shane said...

hahaha! that is so funny b/c after the senior dinner i told shane "i think jenny is pregnant." I didn't say that b/c i noticed physically. I said it just b/c sometimes girls can tell those things. I don't know what it we girls can sense those things...? Anyway, congrats! You are such a good woman and momma! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations you guys! Just reading your blog makes me exhausted :) Good luck with your move!!

Jaimie said...

I don't think I know you but blog hopped over here from Ashley MacKay's blog. Congratulations on #4! I am also pregnant with number 4, with my oldest turning 4 this year. Planned, like you, and love it! Just wanted to tell you, my first trimester I had tons of fruit smoothies. Add a little protein powder and almonds on the side and you are balanced and good to go. No other food required. :) Good luck!

Denisse said...

Jones'!!!!!!! It was such a fun surprise to see your note on the blog Jenny! Congrats on baby #4! That's awesome! I have this image in my head of you right now when you were pregnant with Remi, when we all lived back in Rexburg! It's crazy! It feels like it's been such a long time since we last saw each other...I remember when Blake got into Case...and you had Remi and then you moved...right? Our good friends Justin and Stacey Heaton are at Case he just finished his third year and Scott's brother Ryan is also there, he just finished his first year! I wonder if you guys are in the same ward?

It's so nice to be able to see your cute family! Your kids are so cute! Is Blake finished already? What are your plans next? I saw that you guys came to D.C. at one point...Scott just finished his second year of med school and we are so happy! The first two years are crazy!!!!!! Anyway, keep in touch and best wishes to your cute family!

My email is if you guys come to D.C. again in the next two years email me!:)

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Oh wow you guys are going to be so busy as if your not already!!Congratulations.

Jenkins Family said...

Hey guys! Congrats again on the baby. Hope all is going well for you in NE. I don't have your email address and wanted to invite you to our blog. My email is Shoot me an email when you get a chance!