Sunday, December 6, 2009


Remi and Broden's conversation today after church.
Broden,"My tummy hurts."
Remi,"Because you're hungry."
Remi,"Mine doesn't, my harp(heart) is beeping(beating)."

This week we went and got our tree. I didn't want to spend tons on a tree we would only have for 2 weeks, so we got the cheapest one at Lowe's. It is a pretty tree though. Remi was so excited! Broden got into it too. We even pulled Blake away from his studies to help.

I wasn't so sure about a tree with how much "help" Alissa is these days. She has been really good though. She took a few things off the first day and I Don't think she has touched it since. She has been too busy doing other things she learned this week. She learned to climb onto the chairs and onto our dining room table. She also learned to open the oven. Some other favorites of hers are to climb onto the shelf behind Remi's bed, find bags of mini hair things for Remi's hair and scatter them EVERYWHERE, pull all the clothes out of her dresser, play in toilets, dig in the trash and unload the dishwasher. She is still a fun little girl and very happy for the most part. She is learning to throw fits for what she wants though. Hopefully she'll learn a better method of communicating soon.

Last night the kids all went to bed around 8:15. Blake and I played a game, then were headed up to bed. When I was going up the stairs Remi came out of the bathroom and walked back to her room and got in bed. I went in after he and layed down by her. I said,"Remi, thank you for coming back to bed after you went to the bathroom."

She said,"I love you too mom." It was too cute. I don't think she was all the way awake.

Another funny conversation. Blake sits down to eat some chocolate covered raisins.
Broden,"What' that?"
Dad, "Reindeer poop."
Broden and Remi, "I want some Reindeer poop."
Dad,"Ok get a bowl."
They get bowls and dad gives them "reindeer poop." Brodend spilled his, so Blake picks them up and says,"no more reindeer poop for you if you spill them on the floor."
Broden while yelling and crying,"I want reindeer poop, I want reindeer poop, I want reindeer poop!!!"
They are too funny.

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