Monday, January 20, 2014


Christmas Eve we woke up and Eric, Remi, Broden, Alissa, Parker and I headed to Mildenhall Base to the play area to meet up with Kim Hatch and her kiddos. Eric took Broden on a date to do some shopping. Then we hung out while the kids played. After a while we left and headed back to Lakenheath base to play volleyball. After volleyball we headed home to make rolls for the Christmas Eve dinner the Hatch's host. They have it at the community center in their town and invite lots of people. We took our single kids(Well Mike took them) and our kids and headed over there. We had yummy food, then the kids acted out the Nativity and we did a white Elephant gift exchange. It was lots of fun and we scored some Soduku toilet paper that Blake was very excited about.

After the party we headed home and got the kids to bed. The adult kids watched a movie, then we got them all arranged in the beds, we played musical beds because all our kids wanted to sleep together and Michael stayed the night. He is a single airman and has no family here. We thought it would be lonely to wake up alone Christmas morning and he was here late anyway, so he might as well stay. So he and Eric were in one room and Cindy, Erika, Remi, Broden, Alissa, and Parker were in another.

 Christmas Morning we woke up and the top of the stairs were wrapped, so no one could go peek. Broden wasn't very patient, but they all waited until we woke up all the adult kids. Michael offered to take pictures for us, so I handed over the camera. It was nice that both Blake and I could enjoy the festivities without worrying about taking pictures. I think we should have a photographer every year!

I thought it was funny that Alissa's pajamas matched the wrapping paper.
 Broden was trying so hard to go peek. 

 The whole crew ready to go down stairs.
 Remi got her own simplified hymn book.
 Alissa's fingerpaints.

 Remi's spiral bound hymn book.
 More art stuff.

 Broden made me a coupon necklace. It had pieces of cardboard with nice things he can do for me written on it. Then there was a colored stone on each one. I can exchange the stones for the service. They are things like back rub, help with dishes, make my bed, help with food, fold laundry. I love it!

 Blake built Alissa and the rest of the kids this art easel. On one side they can use the paper and the other side is a chalk board. They love it! I think they covered all the walls in the play room with pictures in just a week.

 Blake and Broden got sling shots from Santa. I'm pretty sure Broden is jumping for joy!

 Remi made this adorable art apron for Alissa.

 Michael the photographer. He must have handed the camera to someone else for a minute.

 Everyone took a turn popping the poppers.

 Blake's mom and dad even joined us via the computer.

 Broden trying out the giant sling shot Remi made for him and Blake. They were shooting wrapping paper at people.
 The boys and their sling shots.
 Family picture. I have a volleyball, Blake has dominion, Alissa has the picture in the frame that Broden and Blake made her(Remi got one too), Remi has her new recorder, Parker is wearing his new cowboy hat(and boots) and Broden has his nerf bow and arrow he got from cousins. Our family was beyond spoiled again this year. We try to not focus so much on buying tons of gifts for eachother, but making them instead and we had fun doing that again this year. It is so fun to see how excited our kids get about giving eachother the gifts they made. They also love the gifts they get from their family that is far away.
 The rest of the day was spent playing with all our toys, taking naps, eating, video chatting with family, opening more presents from Grandma and Grandpa DD, and just enjoying time together.

It was such a blessing to have Cindy, Eric and Erika here with us at Christmas time and to be able to invite Michael into our home to celebrate with us. We are so grateful for our Saviour Jesus Christ and the life he lived. What an amazing time of year to celebrate his birth and be reminded of his gift to us. His perfect example and his gift of the Atonement. There were so many times this year during the Christmas season that we were able to feel the spirit. I love teaching our children about service and about doing good for other people. I love helping them to recognize the feelings they get from the Holy Ghost confirming to them that when they serve others it is what Jesus wants them to be doing. I love that I feel that warm tingly feeling every time I see the Nativity acted out, whether it is at the kids school, or at our ward Christmas party, or the Hatch's Christmas Eve party, I get the same feeling every time. I get a strong confirmation in my heart that Jesus Christ was born of Mary in a Stable in Bethlehem. I know that this story is amazing, it was a miracle. I know that Jesus Christ was born, that he lived a perfect life for us, that he died for us and that he rose again, for us. He lives again and because he lives again, so can we. We can live again and be with our families forever! What a great blessing. This is the best gift ever and I am so happy that I get to share that gift with those around me. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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