Sunday, January 1, 2012

He's 1!!!

The week of Parker's birthday was crazy! But we are so grateful for him and had fun celebrating his first birthday.

Parker is so much fun and is such a good baby. He started sleeping through the night about a month before his first birthday and was still taking 2-3 naps during the day. He stopped sleeping through the night while we were in Brugge, but as soon as we got home he was sleeping through the night again. His last time nursing was on his 1st birthday:):(

Parker loves his brother and sisters. Often when he wakes up I will just send someone upstairs to play with him for a while before I go get him out of his bed. They will go climb in the crib with him and just play. He loves it! He started walking when he was 10 months old and hasn't stopped since. He has also learned to climb onto the little kid chairs and table we have. I was trying to teach him to show how old he was the week of his birthday. I would say,"Parker, how old are you?" Then I would hold up 1 finger. Then I would help him hold up 1 finger and start clapping and say, "YAY!" So, eventually I would say,"Parker, how old are you?" He would just look at me, smile and start clapping. It was too cute. I guess he thought we should just clap instead of showing the age:)  We love Parker so much and enjoy watching him learn and develop.

Opening presents from Remi, Broden and Alissa

About to grab the candle, Alissa was going to stop him.

Clapping to show how old he is:)

Yummy pumpkin bread with frosting

Present from Gma and Gpa Jones

Presents from Gma and Gpa DD, Cindy and Robbie!

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