Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pumpkin Please

We enjoyed a trip to the local "pumpkin patch" to get our pumpkins. They have made it very americanized because of the area. So they have all the pumkins set out and they have a corn maze you can do. We opted not to do the maze, but we let them each pick a pumpkin. 

 On our way home from the pumpkin patch I was looking down at the camera, going through the pictures and all of a sudden I felt a thud and heard glass breaking. I looked up and my mirror was broken. Blake was driving and the road was one of the tiny roads with a 65 MPH speed limit and another van drove by. I guess neither of us got over far enough because our mirrorrs hit. We pulled over and checked out the damage and then just kept going. Now we need to order a new mirror.
Later that week we had a family pumpkin carving party. We let each of the kids pick how they wanted their pumpkin, then we helped them carve them. We moved our dining room table out the dining room doors to the patio, then in the conservatory room doors, because this room isn't carpeted. It made for much easier clean up! I love how they turned out.

Broden carving his pumpkin with a real knife! Dad's idea.

Remi scooping out seeds

Broden's Pumpkin

Remi's Pumpkin

Alissa's Pumpkin

Parker's Pumpkin
The finished products!!!

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