Monday, August 10, 2009


So this is actually my sister's post from her blog. I copied it to ours until we get a chance to catch up on our blog. Thanks Julie!

As you can probably tell by the pictures...we had a blast in Cancun! We got to go with all of my brothers and sisters and my sisters' husbands and my mom and dad. (i.e. no little kids) But we all acted like a bunch of little kids anyway.
Eric, Nate, and Cindy decided to see how many pieces of bubble gum they could chew at once.
I stepped on a sea urchan (sp?) while snorkeling and couldn't walk that night. The natives there told us just to put vinegar on it and it would swell up, but be fine. We went to the doctor at our hotel and he said he would remove them for $70, but Jenny (my sister) and Nate decided they would remove them for free. So this is them cutting into me. Just so everyone knows you can't really just pull them out because it's more like ink and it just dissolves, so I let them work on me for about 15 minutes and made them stop. By the next day they felt fine. (It really didn't hurt that bad...I was just putting on an act for the camera.) This is a real shark that a kid caught on the beach.

Do you see the iguanas in the last two pictures. They were all over and didn't really care if we came close to them.

We are covered in sand in this picture because we were playing a serious game with frisbees. My brother, Eric, and brother-in-law, Blake, didn't let us rest too much. There was lots of frisbee, football, volleyball, tennis, etc.

So let's note this next picture...we stayed up late the night before and everyone else got to sleep in the car, but these are the drivers who didn't get to sleep until we got to the beach. (The guy sleeping on the left is my brother-in-law, Blake. You'll notice if he's not going, going, going then he crashes.) Okay...this picture is really funny. My brother, Eric, stayed up all night the night before we left, so this is him asleep at the airport. This gum on the side of his mouth isn't his, but is my sister's. We put it right on the edge then when he started to wake up, he moved it into his mouth and fell back asleep. We had everyone sitting near us laughing so hard. Eric didn't appreciate it very much. This is a picture of me and my daddy. We all did a lot of eating while we were there. This is us in a cenote, which is an underground cave with water. They were a nice cool change from the heat outside.

Hiking to the top of Coba

At the top of Coba

This is our rental car. I had to take a picture with Nate by it because it's quite a big difference than his HUGE truck he drives here.

On Sunday we got to go to church where Tyler served part of his mission. A family in the ward invited us over for dinner. They fed us a yummy true Mexican dinner and we taught them a fun American game. Although there were only about 4 people in this big crowd that could speak both English and Spanish, we all had such a great time! (Besides the family that fed us, the bishop and his family came over and the missionaries, which one of them Tyler trained.)

This is us mocking my mom (the photographer) when she tells us to get closer together.

We were all pretty proud of ourselves for hiking the Coba ruins.

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