Friday morning we woke up and headed to London. We didn't rush out the door because tube tickets are about twice as much during rush hour. So we left about 9:30 and drove to Epping about an hour away where we caught the underground to London. About half way in we realized we didn't pay for parking. So I took Alissa back with me and we paid for parking then met Blake and the other kiddos at the Tower of London for some PB&J, chips and gatorade.
Riding the tube before we split up |
After lunch we headed into the tower of london. First we went into the bloody tower, preparing the kids to see how people used to be tortured for doing bad things. The just had signs and the tools though. The kids weren't too interested and we just kind of whizzed through the room thinking there was more, but the one room was it. There was a line to get through it though so we didn't think it was worth it to go back.
Then we headed to see the crowning jewels. The actual crowns and some of the swords were awesome! There were of course lots of people wanting to see everything though, so you kind of just get pushed through, which isn't very easy with 4 kids and a stroller. I have learned that when a line is moving it some people don't really care if they get between you and your kids or not. I had multiple people push right in between me and the kids going through doorways. So I didn't really feel safe. I just don't do well with lots of people.

After the Crowning jewels we took a bathroom break and I got Parker to sleep while Blake took the older 3 to explore the upper walls. Then after Parker went to sleep I took Remi and Broden to see the White Tower. It had lots of cool stuff in it. All the different royalty's armor, horses armor, swords, other weapons, guns then the different kids of money. The top floor even had hands on stuff where the kids could feel how heavy different weapons were, what they were used for, how hard it was to pull back a bow with an arrow and what the trajectory was for shooting a cannon at a moving target. Very interesting. So when we came out I sent Blake back through with Alissa. He took about half the time we did, but Remi and Broden are getting to the stage where they don't just look, they ask questions and what to know about the things they see. Its fun.
Alissa, Broden and Remi riding the cannon |
The dragon inside the White Tower |
Broden, Alissa and Remi with one of the actors |
One of the Ravens kept for good luck |
Remi outside the tower of London |
Alissa, Remi, Broden and Parker with one of the Olympic mascots |
Alissa, Blake, Jenny, Parker Remi and Broden in front of the Tower Bridge and Paralympic Emblem |
We really wanted to get our picture in front of this bridge with the Olympic rings, but they took them down and had up the Paralympic Emblem instead. Still cool to see. Some of the USA Paralympic team is actually staying on base right now and we have seen some of them practicing on the track. We saw people racing in their wheel chairs around the track. They are amazing!
Parker sneaking into someone else's picture |
Parker, Alissa, Broden and Remi with an olympic mascot |
The Tower of London |
The tower of London again |
After the Tower of London we headed to Olympic park to see what was there. We couldn't go in, so we didn't really get to see much. The mall right next to it was really nice though. We ate dinner there, then headed home. It was a fun day and the kids did great. Alissa walked so much and was so tired, but she did so good. She finally fell asleep just before dinner and slept until we got back to our car.
Blake and Broden on a cool Bridge |
We thought this bridge looked like it went somewhere important, but it just went over the trains at the subway and train station. Fancy walkway though.
Walking to Olympic park |
So 2 weeks ago I hurt my back somehow and it still isn't better. I hurt it at church and it was a little sore that day, but by Monday night I couldn't walk very well. Our home teacher came over and gave me a blessing with Blake and I was blessed that I would be able to get done the things I needed to during the day. I learned that week that needs are different than wants. The kids were safe and fed, kind of, but that was about it. I couldn't really lift very well, so when I would hold Parker I would usually sit down and let him climb up to me. Then to lay him in his crib I just drop him. I still can't lay him down. I just hold him over the crib and drop him onto his pillow. He thinks it is funny. The first Monday I was trying to fold laundry, but I couldn't bend over to get the clothes out of the dryer and I couldn't lift the laundry basket. So I just sat on the floor and cried while I folded the laundry. I haven't ever had lower back pain before and it is miserable. Especially because I couldn't take care of my family. Poor Blake had to cook, clean, take care of kids and go grocery shopping.
After about a week and a half I went into the emergency room because I couldn't get into my doctor for a week. They were really nice and told me the medicines I could take and gave me tylenol with codine. They the doctor told me to wrap and ace bandage around my waist so it was tight on my back. She said I had sprained the ligaments and tendons that connect my hips to my spine. So when I got home I put on an ace bandage and it helped a ton! I am still in a lot of pain when I sit or lift too much, but feeling much better. I can do some laundry and walk, so that is a huge improvement! Hopefully I'll be able to exercise soon. It is driving me crazy that I can't go running or anything.
So when we went to London we decided to just take our little stroller because I wouldn't be able to help carry the big one up and down the stairs. Blake was a trooper and carried kids and let me push the stroller. It is hard to not be able to do things that I am so used to doing. I'm so lucky I have such an understanding husband though. He really takes good care of us!